I come from a long line of women who are enterprising, talented, and have ingenuity. From my grandmother, I have learned some of the needle arts, cooking, and baking. From my mother, I learned about furniture and design. My grandmother also had a “green thumb” and an eye for color. I am so fortunate to have had these loving women teach me these life skills. As a perpetual student, I have acquired many other skills as well including painting furniture.
My forte has been in up-cycling furniture and painting pieces to give them a more updated look. I also love to find knobs and drawer pulls that are more current adding to the personality and functionality of a small case good. Estate sales are an excellent source for finding tired hardwood furniture that needs a little TLC to make it vibrant again. A piece might have wonderful lines and is well constructed, but needs a fresh look. In this case, paint can completely revitalize that piece.
Preparation is key in any painting project. I begin by sanding my piece of furniture well, and dust it with a soft rag to remove the dust. The next step is to prime the piece. Priming is necessary for the paint to adhere well for a beautiful, long lasting finish. One of my favorite primers and paint lines is the Fine Pine Paints of Europe. I take a fine piece of sandpaper and run it over the primed surface because the wood grain swells after the primer has been applied. It is necessary to dust the surface again with a clean, soft rag. Then you’re ready to paint! For painted furniture, I use oil- based enamel with a semi-gloss finish for the best finish with the longest wear. But, there are a variety of other types to use such as Amy Howard’s One Step Paint or the Benjamin Moore Aura Line. I put several thin layers of paint, allowing the paint to dry between layers. Let the final coat cure for 24 hours before putting the piece of painted furniture into service. Good luck! ~ Sallie
Texas Paint – We hope that you enjoy one of customer’s personal painting stories. If you have any questions about how to paint your furniture or accessory, stop by Texas Paint and we will help you with all of your painting questions. Paint Savings Tip: Texas Paint is giving away a Free Pint, any color, with no purchase necessary.