Wallpaper has been used since the 18th century to cover walls and add a nice interior design element to spaces. During the Renaissance period, wallpaper became an affordable alternative for tapestries. Earlier wallpaper features scenes, but by the 20th century wallpaper had evolved to include different textures and patterns. Today’s wallpaper manufacturers have designed wallpaper to do more than add design and texture, they can now block Wi-Fi waves, protect walls from falling during earthquakes, soundproofing, and can even be used for lighting by incorporating LEDs.
Types of Wallpaper
There are lots of different types of specialty wallpaper on the market, but most people are looking for wallpaper for interior design only. However, that does not mean there are not a lot of choices. There are a variety of products available and each one is tailored to address a set of specific needs. York Wallcoverings specializes in “the art of the wall,” and they offer four different types: Sure Strip Prepasted, Unpasted Wallpaper, York Premium Peel + Stick Wallpaper, and High Performance Wallpaper.
Sure Strip Prepasted Wallpaper removes easily in full strips, prepasted (simply mist and apply), easy to install and easy to remove, and you can redecorate in minutes.
Unpasted Wallpaper offers the following: paste application can be controlled, perfect for specialty weight wallpaper, fine quality, professional hand, easily removes in full sheets, and the choice of professional installers.
York Premium Peel + Stick Wallpaper is printed on paper (not vinyl), self-adhesive backing, leaves no residue on walls, luxury designer matte finish, and easy to install and remove.
High Performance Wallpaper is durable type II vinyl, scrubbable and stain resistant, may be cleaned with bleach solutions, and can be used in commercial build projects.